Vermont Public
Education Defense
About Us
Public schools have long been viewed as institutions critical to our democracy.
We believe that it is vital for community members
to come together
and fight the political attacks against public education.
Public schools are a public good.
Public schools are the bedrock of democracy.
When public funds are transferred to private entities who have no transparency,
who openly flaunt the rules public schools must abide by
and who are not in any way accountable to the communities they purport to serve
- all students and the community at large suffer the consequences.
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Let's solidify support for public education. - Lisa Talmadge
Lisa Talmadge
Advisors and Supporters:
Cindy L. Abel
Marq Anderson
Carol Bartsch
Alka Dev
Betsy Dorries
Susie Purvis Janov
Victor Mukasa
Sherry Nelson
Airelynn Owens
Marc Schauber
Alexander Talmadge
Joellyn Thompson
Quinn Trombley
Karen Trombley
Victoria Valentino
David Wheeler