Vermont Public
Education Defense
Public education belongs to ALL of us.
Our public education dollars must work for ALL of us.
No taxpayer funded private school should be
allowed to take Vermont public education dollars
while excluding some of our kids
and denying the rights of Vermonters.
A taxpayer funded private school refused to hire a teacher when they found out she is a lesbian.
Another forces families to sign a homophobic
faith pledge to enroll, and had a handbook that compares being gay to engaging in bestiality and incest.
Taxpayer funded private schools use test scores, grades, interviews and discipline records to decide which kids to serve, taking tax dollars and diverting those students
(including economically disadvantaged students) they exclude to now defunded public schools.
Vermont also allows public education dollars to be used in other states and countries, where our state’s protection
against discrimination don’t apply.
Is this fair?
Do you think your tax dollars should platform
homophobia, fund exclusion and undemocratic practices?
Say “NO!” to meanness.
Our goals are to protect the rights and dignity of all,
not the privilege of some.
Rules that apply to public schools should apply to all schools
that use public school dollars, including all rules related
to social equity, ethnic studies
and representative curriculum and open enrollment.